The Patriot Party

The Patriot Party

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Mission Statement      

America is in trouble because the present political system is under the control of the Democratic and Republican monopolies. Self-described as “Big Tents,” special interest groups with competing agendas band together to win elections. Because the goals of the various special interest groups are different, the Democ5ratic and Republican “Tents” cannot put forth specific concrete platforms to which all their members agree. Their candidates are “Independent Operators” who go to Congress without a plan, and thus the reason why little gets done.

Compounding the problem of being ineffective, the lack of party platforms forces Democratic and Republican candidates to campaign on their own ideas. With each candidate putting forth their own unique platform, vast amounts of money are needed, resulting in pandering, backroom deals and favors owed to those funding their campaigns.

If we citizens do not intervene and free up the monopolized political system, those elected will continue to work for reelection rather than fix America's problems. We must act now or the Dollar will collapse, society will burn, and America will fail.

A breakthrough in science can save us. If applied, it promises to resolve America's social, financial and political problems. The Patriot Party® was formed to apply this knowledge properly and at once, saving America and our civilization from ruin.


By way of 5 inescapable facts and conclusions (in blue)


The ramifications of understanding human nature are many. The Patriot Party® is an emerging political party that endorses the application of Gravity Theory and the Bidirectional System as the way to resolve America's social, financial and political problems. Patriot Party Radio broadcasts the Patriot Party® message. Spring-Gravity Theory® is a marketing group that applies the teachings of Humanology® in crafting marketing plans and advertising campaigns for the largest companies and nation-states worldwide. Spring-Gravity Theory® is the result of a breakthrough in understanding human nature. That breakthrough is featured on the Humanology® website. More and more organizations are adopting the knowledge offered by Humanology®. Foundation to Empower Marriage is a non-profit organization dedicated to educate high school seniors on how emotions work and how to use that knowledge to form and maintain successful long term personal relationships including marriage. It's Not About Love is a musical written for high school and college students. It reveals the secret to success in romance and fulfillment in marriage. It's message is based on the knowledge and discoveries of Humanology®. School Is Cool is a not-for-profit corporation that works with the major sports associations in elevating the value of education in the minds of our children. Fittest Form® is a program that helps people achieve their best physical and mental state. Idea Songs is a group of songwriters that applies Humanology® in crafting songs, with an eye on making the most impact and maximizing audience appeal. Professional Songwriter Group is an association of lyricists and composers that study human nature and incorporate that knowledge into their musical works, making their products more impactful on the listening public. Back On Top Music is a publisher of music that works only with authors who understand and incorporate what we now know about human nature. Magyar Music is a music act that incorporates Humanology® when crafting its songs. The author of Humanology®, Don Magyar, can be contacted directly by going to his website. His books are individually titled and can stand alone, yet they are part of the Humanology® series, published by Permanent Publications.